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Frequently Asked Questions

What is my donation used for?
Your tax-exempt donation will go towards funding an endowment from which the Spurs Sorority Foundation will draw on an annual basis to fund grants to Trinity University. The cost of attending Trinity is over $50,000 a year. The minimum donation a person or group can grant to a specific student is $2,500, so that is the minimum annual amount the SSF must donate to Trinity in order to have that grant awarded to a Spur active. We awarded our first grant in April of 2013.
What is the purpose of the Spurs Sorority Foundation?
The Spurs Sorority Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in 2010 for the purpose of raising scholarship money for current active members of Spurs sorority and students at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. With the cost of Trinity exceeding $50,000, Spur-Exes organized the Foundation as a means to assist a current Spur active or actives in financing their Trinity education while also providing a meaningful connection between Spurs actives and alumnae. Fundraising efforts also provide an opportunity for networking, both professionally and socially, for Spur-Exes, as well as a means to celebrate our sisterhood.
Is there an existing need for Spur-exes to fund grants to Trinity?
Alumni gifts are essential in helping Trinity to provide scholarships and financial aid to worthy students. More than 70% of Trinity students receive some form of financial aid. While Spur-Exes may donate to Trinity directly, giving to the Spurs Sorority Foundation not only demonstrates Spurs' commitment to our active members and Trinity as an organization, it also acknowledges the long term value of our Trinity education. In fiscal year 2008, only 15% of Trinity alumni donated, but of that 15%, 40% were Greek alumni. Our donor numbers will factor into both of these categories. With a total of approximately 1,400 Spur-Exes, you donate to the Spurs Sorority Foundation at a rate of 10%. Can we surpass the Trinity giving rate?
Who will receive the grants from the Spurs Sorority Foundation?
The goal of the Spurs Sorority Foundation is to award scholarship money to at least one active member of Spurs Sorority at Trinity University, and in the future, fund grants for one non-Spur student at Trinity University, on an annual basis.
How do you select the recipients?
The recipients of scholarship funds from the Spurs Sorority Foundation will be selected by the Trinity Office of Financial Aid. The Foundation will award a grant to Trinity that is specifically for Spurs, and, eventually, an unrestricted gift to the general scholarship fund on an annual basis. Spurs who demonstrate financial need via the FAFSA form will be eligible for the grant as long as they are an active member of the sorority in good academic standing. The actual selection is done by Trinity. 

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